Deep Learning to Deep Unemployment

It seemed like a fun project. Think of the exciting possibilities. In 1959 Arthur Samuel wanted to teach his computer to play checkers. At the time getting a computer to do anything required the programmer to tell it in excruciating detail exactly what to do in every situation. The inherent problem with this method, besides being laborious and time consuming, is that the computer will never be able to do anything that the programmer doesn’t know how to do. Then Arthur decided to let two computers play each other and learn from each other. He’s since been known as the father of machine learning.

Fast forward to…

1985 – Computers can talk. Computational neuroscientist Terry Sejnowski’s program NetTalk pronounces English words.

1989 – Computers can read. Yann LeCun’s invents machine that can read handwritten digits.

1997 – Computers can win. World chess champ Garry Kasparov is beaten at his own game by IBM’s Deep Blue.

2005 – Computers can drive. Stanley beats twenty-two other robot vehicles on a demanding 132-mile desert course. Congress funded the competition to support its directive that one-third of U.S. military ground vehicles be unmanned by 2015.

No longer limited to mundane tasks on a factory floor, deep learning combined with mobility enables computers to walk, talk, learn and do things that were once relegated to the world of science fiction.

2012 – Computers can watch video. Google develops a network of 16,000 Internet-linked computers that learn to identify cats by browsing millions of random YouTube videos.

2014 – Computers can create. University of Montreal doctoral student Ian Goodfellow invents the General Adversarial Network, or GAN. Computers are no longer limited to what humans can feed it. Now they can feed each other data it creates.

The Progress of GAN technology to create fake images.
Try for yourself below.

2020 – Computers are necessary. For years businesses that replaced workers with machines were demonized. The great shutdown triggering the great reset has given businesses cover under the umbrella of safety to use machines. Now it’s practically a moral imperative. Jobs that can’t go remote are now open season for deep learning robots to “save the day”.

  • Driving Cars
  • Flying Planes
  • Preparing Food
  • Diagnosing Disease
  • Finding Legal Precedents
  • Creating art, poetry and music
  • Writing articles, stories and books
  • ???…

80% of jobs in the developed world are in services. Jobs that deep learning can now perform. Are you ready?

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The Generation Lags the Revolution

If hindsight is 20/20, what is foresight? Ask anyone who’s entered a dying profession and I’m sure they’ll tell you their foresight was less than desirable. Such is the crutch of most when it comes to recognizing trends in their early stages.

You probably studied the industrial revolution in school. All the advancements that took place. The money that was made. Ahhh… Good times. What you may not have learned was that it took years, decades even for people to leave their family farms and embrace what was going on. Maybe embrace isn’t the right word. You could easily embrace a new technology but still stay in your old habits. When a new technology decimates an old industry though, it’s embrace or die, and the earlier you embrace the better off you’ll be in the long run. Of course farming still exists, but ask any small farmer and they’ll tell you what a struggle it is to survive. Farming is now dominated by large corporations with even larger machinery.

Today, access to information is limitless, free and accessible right in the palm of our hand.

Fast forward to 1990 when the version of the internet that you’re familiar with came about (the world wide web). Instant transmission of information. It’s hard to imagine being without it today, but in 1990 it was truly revolutionary. Today, access to information is limitless, free and accessible right in the palm of our hand. So why then do we pay tens of thousands of dollars for information in the form of formal college schooling? Even worse, college cost has continued to skyrocket well above average inflation measures even as information has continued to be distributed freely. I challenge anyone to find “secret” information in a college course that you cannot find online. Yet it’s almost impossible to find an adult that isn’t hell bent on sending their child to college even to the point of putting themself and/or their child in a severe financial deficit. The result is the highest educated class of restaurant personnel the world has ever seen.

Let me pause here and stop the haters (do they ever stop?). I’m NOT against college or education or teachers (or little puppies). I certainly would not want my doctor cutting on me after getting some tips on YouTube. There are certain professions that require formal education (although, I still contend they are very overpriced). I also highly value education and critical thinking. Both of which seem in short supply given what goes around on social media these days. But I digress…

Why the disconnect? The generation has yet to fully embrace the information revolution. The subconscious belief that a college degree is worth what is being paid for it trumps the reality that in many cases, it’s just not.

Will you lag the revolution?

Fast forward to 2020 😬. Up to this point, you may or may not agree with anything I’ve said (then why are you still here?) but this fact is hard to refute; the world has changed and the change has been faster and more global than any change in history. You may rationalize that things will just go back to “normal” eventually. That may be true and for a time it may seem that way but make no mistake, changes have taken place that are permanent and life changing for millions of people. So you have to ask yourself, will you lag the revolution?

What is this revolution? Working remote. (I can see your eyes roll). Working remote? Really? Nothing new here! While it’s true that the capability of working remote has been around since broadband internet became widely available, employers and employees alike still fancied meeting at the office. I don’t blame them for not embracing this revolution, personal interaction is severely undervalued. Plus, the economy was bustling and there just wasn’t the need to send everyone home. Not to mention those long term leases on office space with infrastructure already set in place. Then… 2020 happened (insert shrieking background music here). It was do or die. Now there’s an incentive to embrace the remote revolution. Millions of people that always had the capability to work remote now had the necessity to work remote. At first it was awkward but now several months into it, group video calls are just part of an ordinary day.

The part that isn’t so obvious.

Big deal, now a bunch of people work from home. It’s more than that. Once your job is remote, it doesn’t matter if your 1 mile away or 10,000 miles away. The person that used to compete for a job against anyone within a 50 mile radius of the office just entered the arena of global competition. What happened when other jobs went remote? Many went offshore. Even without going offshore, a much larger pool to pick from means salary deflation is practically a given. Now how much is that college degree paying you?

What about secondary effects. Smart businesses are figuring out what they can do without. For starters, office space and all the overhead that goes with it. I predict commercial real estate is going into a very long term decline. What about everything that goes into supporting that office? Office furniture, commercial cleaning and supplies, vending machines, coffee service, surrounding restaurants that were filled at lunchtime, business attire, business travel, mass transit and I’m sure many more that escape my mind. I haven’t even mentioned the jobs that can’t go remote. My heart goes out to every restaurant/bar, small retail and gym owner and the employees that will never get their jobs back.

What’s the good news? The good news is that you’re here (and still reading, thank you). This is your wake up call. Don’t be one of the many who see what’s happening and ignore it or wish it away.

It’s time to embrace the revolution.

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The Great Reset

The Great Reset is Here! It’s been planned for years. It’s no longer conspiracy theory. Time Magazine and the World Economic Forum have announced it to the world. Ignore it at your own peril. All that was needed was a crisis to kick it off and 2020 handed it to them on a silver platter. Many years from now society will look back on the 2020 shutdowns and see it as a turning point in history. Don’t let normalcy bias keep you from learning to survive in this new era.

The great reset is man-made, centrally planned and forced upon us at a speed never before seen in global history.

Other revolutions came about through the ingenuity of many people over time to solve various problems, increase productivity and improve quality of life. The great reset is man-made, centrally planned and forced upon us at a speed never before seen in global history.

Central planning is the worst way to solve problems. It’s the ego of those in power that causes them to think that governments can solve our problems. It’s the fallacy of entitled persons to believe government should take care of them. Governments and any very large entity that runs from the top down have the inherent issue that they are far removed from the actual problem. The further one is from the problem, the greater the odds of getting the solution incorrect. The larger the organization, the slower mistakes will be admitted and corrected. Worst of all, the larger the organization, the larger the mistake and the more damage that is done before it’s corrected.

The fundamental assumption of the great resetters is that capitalism is flawed and needs to “reimagined”. I’m not here to tell you that capitalism is the perfect system. There is no perfect system. What history has proven though is that it’s a far better system than any other that has been tried. Actually, the biggest problem resetters had was that capitalism was working too well. The United States was experiencing the greatest economy in the world. Not a great atmosphere to be promoting an alternative. Covid and the subsequent shutdowns fixed that little road block.

So there’s some backdrop, now what are we up against?

Three stated goals of the great reset:

  1. Steer the market toward fairer outcomes.
  2. Ensure investments advance shared goals (sustainability, equality)
  3. Harness innovations to support the public good.

On the surface, these are all very warm and fuzzy. Who wouldn’t want these things? (Evil capitalists of course!) Well, most politi-speak sounds good on the surface, it’s in the execution where it all goes wrong. People are flawed, biased and contrary to their own opinion, not omniscient. So just like any utopian endeavor, actual results never match up to the intended ones even with good intentions. Believe it or not, there are one or more persons out there with evil intentions too.

In business, not everyone get’s a trophy

Fairer outcomes. This is no doubt driven by the wealth gap. I’m not a wealth gap denier, it’s simple math. The question is how to deal with it assuming it needs to “dealt” with at all. Strictly speaking, someone else having more money than me is not an inherent problem no matter how bad it makes me feel. Digging a little deeper, this is more than just tax the rich. It’s change the system so they never get so rich in the first place. It’s a fundamental philosophy that states if two people venture out to start a business and one fails while the other gets absurdly rich, that’s just not “fair”. Yeah, it does kinda suck (for the first guy anyway), but removing the incentive for the second guy means the odds of him even trying are greatly reduced or eliminated. For every Steve Jobs, there are dozens if not hundreds of others that tried and failed. It doesn’t feel fair but is it better to have 1 Apple and 9 failures or no Apple and no failures? I’m sure all the happy iPhone users have the answer. Capitalism provides equal opportunity but not equal outcomes. Sorry, but in business not everyone gets a trophy. To the extent that something impedes access to equal opportunity, then I propose solutions would better be focused on that end of the equation.

Advancing shared goals. Who came up with these goals? People that know what’s better for all of us I guess. There’s only two ways for a global population to have shared goals. Either the goal is so basic and fundamental to human existence (food, clothing, shelter) or the “shared” goal is forced upon an unwitting people. You can guess where my bet is. Even with a legitimate shared goal though, implementation is again best determined locally. Not everyone experiences issues with basic human needs (or sustainability and equality) the same in every city and country so how can solutions be centrally planned? They can’t. Which is why they will just be forced. Anyone looking for startup capital for a new venture better be prepared to show how their business will advance these “shared” goals.


Verb – to control and make use of

Oxford English Dictionary

Harness innovations. Innovations come from the innovators. Do governments innovate anything? Well, anything useful? Hence the need for them to “harness” it from someone else. “We’re from the government and we’re here to help.” Do I even need to explain the ramifications of this? No worries here though, it will be for your own good.

Now that you know a bit about what the great reset is, what does it all mean? I’m not smart enough to have all the answers. If I was, I’d be on the central planning committee (ba-dup-ba). I’ll make a feeble attempt at predictions, feel free to make your own.

Great Reset Predictions:

  1. Commercial Real Estate is dead especially in large cities. As businesses tool for permanent remote workers, the need for office space will continually dwindle. The secondary effect, especially near concentrations of office space, will take out support businesses; nearby restaurants, cleaning services, office furniture, business attire, business travel, hotels.
  2. Remote working will skyrocket competition for jobs. No longer is the guy down the street the only competition. Remote positions can be worked anywhere. As competition for jobs increase, salaries will decrease and increase demands for a “living wage”.
  3. Socialism will march on (under the banner of fairness). The rich stay will rich and the poor will stay poor but the middle class will be destroyed. Poor people want to keep getting free stuff so they will continue to support it. The rich will keep influence and power no matter what (which ironically is one of the items they are supposedly against). The only ones left holding the bag are the middle class.
  4. Hyperinflation that used to only happen to those “mismanaged” third world countries will come home to roost in first world countries. This one is a hard one to pinpoint. It’s a total crap shoot on who will lose their citizens trust first. Every country is printing money like there is no tomorrow. So far the U.S. dollar has been the best of the worst. Who knows, it may continue for years. Just be aware it can come at anytime.
  5. Quality of healthcare will decrease. I pick this one out in particular since it’s so near and dear to Americans. There are certainly many problems with our current system, but overall we are so very spoiled by the level of healthcare available. We are also generally very sick. Obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression, etc. Contrary to what the food and drug industry may tell us, so much of this is related to our diets and fitness level. It’s easy to ignore when you can pop into a doctor at any minute and get the pill or procedure of the day. When that luxury is gone, you’ll wish you took better care of yourself.

What does this mean for you?

  1. Income needs to be mobile.
  2. Assets needs to be liquid.
  3. Money needs to be portable.
  4. Skills need to be up to date.
  5. Health needs to be improved or maintained as best as you can.

My goal from here is to keep you as informed as I can and offer you tools that can help you in the above areas. Make sure to subscribe to get access to exclusive training not available here.

Good luck and God speed.